Thursday, January 14, 2016

Let's Get Started: Business Ideas

Game making company - I play and make video games. I enjoy both, I also put a lot of thought into game design in general. Thus, making a business about making games seems like a rather clear and obvious business idea. Think I would like to focus on action games, specifically 2d platformers.
Game retail company - Steam is quite the fascinating business model, what with its frequent sales and user item trading. Though what fascinates me more than that is the whole "games you also might enjoy" kind of stuff; the art of identifying customer patterns and connecting it to other games, and telling the game makers what players want. I see a lot of potential innovation in the categorization of games.
Testing company - Well yeah, programs need testing, and problems need to be found fast. Especially for games, which these days tend to release bugfix patches on day 1 of release. Or maybe the whole day 1 patch thing has devalued the need for a testing company? Well maybe for games, but when it comes to public systems, can't be having train crash glitches on day 1. I think I'm pretty good at testing things when I make games.
Technology repair - Speaking of day 1 crashes, how about fixing tech in general? I do not see shortage on demand with this one, especially in the future. While this idea interests me, I don't think I have much experience with fixing things; but still, valuable service to have, especially if one can minimize cost to be lower than having to buy replacement tech.